One Piece; 10th Theory; Dr. Hiriluk WAS Rocks D. Xebec (CONTAINS SPOILERS 1096+)


As I promised in a previous post, I am back with more content. Today, I am going to share with you another new theory, about Dr. Hiriluk. The Theory that the unique doctor from Drum Island, might actually be Rocks D. Xebec, the famous pirate captain of the Rocks Pirates. While it may sound a bit strange, there are some hints and details that make this theory worth exploring. In this post, we’ll look at the clues and evidence behind this theory and what it could mean for the One Piece story.

Dr. Hiriluk: A Man with Big Dreams

Let’s start by talking about Dr. Hiriluk. He’s known for his unusual way of practicing medicine, believing in the power of dreams and miracles. He claimed to have had a big change of heart after seeing beautiful cherry trees, which miraculously cured his seemingly incurable illness. He also had a fascination with pirates and thought their Jolly Roger symbolized that anything was possible, for as long as faith exists.

The Timeline: 38 Years Ago, the God Valley Incident

To understand this theory, we need to look at the timeline of events. Dr. Hiriluk had his life-changing experience 38 years ago. 8 years ago he worked on his miracle medicine for 30 years, which lines up with the time of the God Valley incident. This event happened in West Blue, where Dr. Hiriluk had his miraculous experience with the cherry blossoms.

During the God Valley incident, the powerful Rocks Pirates were defeated by the Marines. So, could Dr. Hiriluk have been connected to this Incident? The answer is simple. He obviously was, and it would explain a lot.

But there is a twist. While Hiruluk was definitely a member of the Rocks Pirates, I believe that he had a different role than anyone can imagine. Because Hiruluk was… THE CAPTAIN, ROCKS D. XEBEC HIMSELF.

Dr. Hiriluk WAS Rocks D. Xebec

The theory gains more credibility if we look at some hints that link Dr. Hiriluk to Rocks D. Xebec:

1. Similar Hair: Dr. Hiriluk’s long hair is somewhat like Rocks D. Xebec’s, even though their hairstyles are different.

2. Rock Pattern on Pants: Dr. Hiriluk’s choice of pants with a rock pattern might not be a coincidence.

3. Deep World Knowledge: Dr. Hiriluk’s extensive knowledge about the vast world hints that he might have a hidden history.

4. Dying with a Smile: Dr. Hiriluk’s death with a smile is something shared by members of the “D.” clan, which is mentioned in the same story arc where he appears and dies. It should be noted that Hiriluk died at chapter 145, which is titled as “The Will that carries on”, a possible reference to the Will of D.

Bonus. The Traits of a Pirate: In a filler anime scene, Hiriluk explained to Chopper what pirates really are. In the sequence, the three traits he mentioned actually represent the Three types of Haki. However, I don’t really know whether that scene was advised by Oda to the anime production team or it was something they added on their own.

The Connection to Blackbeard

To make things even more interesting, let’s consider the connection between Dr. Hiriluk and Blackbeard, a character with a deep interest for Rocks D. Xebec:

1. Both Dr. Hiriluk and Blackbeard believe in miracles and dreams, thinking that anything can happen. Blackbeard’s belief may be inspired by Hiriluk.

2. Blackbeard has a strong connection to Rocks D. Xebec and even named his ship after him, showing deep respect for the man who aimed to become king of the world.

3. Blackbeard visited Drum Kingdom, the same place where Dr. Hiriluk lived. It makes me wonder if Blackbeard was looking for information about Rocks D. Xebec or even Rocks himself.

Why Dr. Hiriluk being Rocks D. Xebec would be convenient storytelling

If this theory turns out to be true, it would make storytelling in One Piece more efficient and meaningful for multiple reasons:

1. Oda, wouldn’t need to spend time introducing a new character for Rocks D. Xebec. We’d already know about Dr. Hiriluk’s backstory.

2. The theory would add depth to the relationship between Chopper and Hiriluk. The man who once aimed to be the king of the world would find a new chance at a great life through his adopted son, Chopper.

3. Dr. Hiriluk’s last words, “People die when they are forgotten,” would take on a deeper meaning. The World Government attempted to erase him from history as Xebec, but his legacy would still last in the world as Dr. Hiriluk.

4. Also, it would be very ironic if in a world where somebody is hunted for their family ties, Chopper, the man with the lowest bounty in the series is the son of one of the most dangerous men to have ever existed.

5. Finally, it would also explain how Kureha knew about the Will of D. It was none other than Hiriluk the man who told her.

What really happened

Before concluding, I will explain what really happened in God Valley. Being a thief, Hiruluk aka Rocks D. Xebec attacked the Celestial Dragons in God Valley to steal the treasures from the boxes. However, his unfateful encounter with Saint Jaygarcia Saturn bestowed him with the incurable illness an interaction with an Ushi Oni brings.

While he escaped God Valley, everyone told him he was dying. He was trying to figure out a way to survive, until he stumbled upon the Cherry Blossoms, somewhere in West Blue. The spectacular view changed his mindset, it cured his evil heart and his illness suddenly vanished.

The miracle that happened changed his mindset for good. He decided to retire and he changed his name for good, becoming a forgotten legend and a fake doctor, whose only goal was to cure the hearts of the people, just like his own heart was cured literally and metaphorically from all forms of evil.

The rest is history; Hiruluk eventually commited suicide with a smile on his face, eventually saving the hearts of the people of his Kingdom, just like he vowed and leaving Chopper behind with his legacy.


While this theory is just speculation and not confirmed, the hints and connections between Dr. Hiriluk and Rocks D. Xebec are intriguing. Oda is known for creating complex stories, so it wouldn’t be entirely surprising. The theory of Dr. Hiriluk being Rocks D. Xebec gives the chills down my spine, so I can’t wait to see whether my prediction is true. We just need to wait and see. And with that being said, my post is coming to an end. Thank you for your tine.

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