One Piece; Potential Devil Fruit Awakenings; Sube Sube no Mi


Hello everybody! As I already mentioned, we began a new column in this blog, in which we are going to discuss our ideas for potential power-ups of Devil Fruits and their awakenings. The first fruit I talked about was Bara Bara no Mi (if you haven’t read the post, you can check it right here). So today, I am going to introduce you my ideas for another fruit, the very next Devil Fruit to appear in the story after Bara Bara no Mi. And that is… Alvida’s Sube Sube no Mi, otherwise known as the Smooth Smooth Fruit.

Sube Sube no Mi

Sube Sube no Mi allows the user to slip anything of their bodies. That way, Alvida got much, much thinner as she lost all the fat she had on her body. But the fruit is not solely aesthetic. Anything that is about to strike Alvida slips off her body, meaning that the fruit turns Alvida into an untouchable human. Punches will slip off her body, same for weapons. The fruit sounds pretty simple and overpowered, as it is. The question is… Is there any room for evolution?

Second Gear: Sliding Human

Although we have already seen a technique based on this aspect of the fruit, I believe it has much more room for evolution. Using her ability to slip, Alvida could potentially become faster as her fruit would allow her to accelerate at a much, much higher speed by allowing her to slip off the ground while running, as if she is sliding. Alvida could use the kinetic force that the slippery aspect of the fruit provides her to turn it into brute force, gathering momentum to release powerful attacks with her mace.

An obvious disadvantage of this technique would be the inability to control the movements of the body. For example, if Alvida slipped forward, it would be difficult for her to move backwards, as her speed is already increased. But that could be surpassed with mastery, later on.

Third Gear: Gliding Human

Interestingly, it has not been stated if Alvida can use her ability on intagible things. As she is an amateur user of the fruit, she has room for much, much growth. One potential ability of the fruit that could be explored would be this; Alvida could make her body slip on the air, as if she is gliding. That being said, she could have the ability to fly. After all, we have seen many users fly, even if they lack wings. For example, Buffalo is using his Spin Spin Fruit to move like a helicopter, while Sasaki is spinning his dinosaur neck to allow himself to fly. Thus, Alvida could jump high on the air, then make her body slip so that she can move through the air with high speeds.

The disadvantage of this ability would be the same as the one of the Second Gear. Alvida would allow herself to fly only towards the direction she slipped at in the begining. If she wanted to move backwards, she would have to move like a circle, she would have to take a turn.

Awakening: Disarming Human

And now we get to the good stuff. To be fair, Sube Sube no Mi’s Awakening was the first idea that got into my mind, even before her gears. Its effects are plain and simple, much like Buggy’s potential awakening. In the awakening, Alvida could make anything around her slip. Thus, the fruit’s power would allow her to disarm her opponents on the spot; anything would slip off their hands. Their swords, their guns, even their clothes if she desired. And that’s not all she can do...

Awakening 2: Dismantling Human

Much like Buggy’s fruit, Alvida’s Sube Sube no Mi can have the same properties in the awakening of the fruit. Alvida could make basic components of structures “slip”, thus destroying them on the spot. She could make the pillars of a building slip, causing the building the fall. She could make the wood of a ship slip, destroying it on the spot. While her fruit does not allow her to destroy anything directly, she can slip basic components, she can dismantle anything to the point it breaks, thus destroying it indirectly. A cool power huh?


As I colcude this post, I must say that I am excited for this new category, it has to do a lot with the imagination and we can potentially explore how powers that seem meaningless or weak, are more than meets the eye. Many more of these posts are coming soon enough.

With that being said, my post is coming to an end. Thank you for your time.

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