Naruto; Top 5 Sad Moments


   If you asked me years ago about Naruto, I would have answered that it is a stupid show for kids about an orange ninja and his friends. But after reading the manga and watching some crucial episodes, Naruto is my favorite manga and one of the most emotional things I have ever read. Right now is 07:41 in the morning and I’ve been watching Naruto AMVs with sad songs and tragic moments from the story since 05:00. This inspired me to write this article about my top 5 moments of the series that made me cry like a little baby and they keep making me cry as I write this.


   I know many of you might disagree with the moments I chose, but they weren’t chosen based on reason or logic but on pure sentiment. They are very emotional to me. If you have a different opinion, I would like to read it at the comments and reply to you. So let’s get going.

5. Naruto’s Birth

   We all know what happened during Naruto’s birth. What makes it so emotional isn’t just the fact that his parents gave their lives to save him, but their final words to the newborn Naruto. Simple advice about bathing, sleeping and eating well, things that every parent concern themselves when it comes to their child.

4. Hiruzen’s Death

   At Hiruzen’s fight with Orochimaru, Lord Third was killed while trying to incapacitate the latter’s hands, making him unable to use jutsu. In his final moment and while Orochimaru yelled at him, the Hokage saw his former student as a quite child he was back in those days and some tears left Hiruzen’s eyes and mine as well.

3. Rin’s Death

   “She decided to die at the hands of someone she loved, to protect Konoha”. Every time I listen to those words I cry and admire Rin’s sacrifice to save her village and people. And the way she died, jumping in front of Kakashi’s Chidori, making him break his promise to Obito to protect her makes her death even sadder.

2. Jiraiya’s Death

   Jiraiya’s death is very special to me. He had to fight his former students, even in the form of Deva Path in case of Yahiko. His death came when he was impaled with black rods and thrown to the sea. In his final moments he reminisced about his life’s failures like getting rejected from Tsunade and failed to set Orochimaru straight.

1. Konan’s Death

   Konan died after a badass fight with Tobi. What makes her death so emotional to me is when one of her papers, soaked in her blood, ends up in the old safehouse she used to live with Nagato, Yahiko and Jiraiya. Not only that, but the paper rested on her hop-in card fulfilling the promise they made to return there one day.


   Those were my 5 saddest moments and I hope you will understand why I feel that way about them. If you have a different opinion or you think I left out a sadder moment, write it in the comments.

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